Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Halloween Hype-Up

Our pre-Halloween excursions this year involved:

1) Building a spooky haunted gingerbread house with Aunt Claudia.
2) Visiting the local pumpkin patch.

Below you will find a plethora of exciting and dramatic photos of the events. (At least I hope the photos are exciting and dramatic, as my retelling will likely be neither.)

The High-Calorie Haunted House

Master architect Claudia surveys the engineering schematics.

Stacy supervises the cheap sub-contracted
construction labor (all paid under the table).
We suspect this one was pilfering lots of the decorative hardware for his own uses.

Got kind of aggressive toward the end.  I don't think we'll hire them again.

Even the job sup seemed a little concerned about the subs.

The Land of Ubiquitous Squash

What other purpose could they possibly have
had in mind for a hay-bail runway?

Zenyatta really regrets not winning that last race now!

Yes, that is a pony.  Like we wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

Gramlynne with her usual animal magnetism.
You just know she's wondering if they can do agility.
The rash started showing up about 5 hours later...

The fingers were eventually recovered in stomach #3.

I will pass up the opportunity to make a "stalker" reference.

Poor goats.  Would you want to live with
roosters perched perpetually over you?

Note how it specifically
does not preclude great

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