Friday, August 17, 2012

Our Strengths and Fore-Tees

A 100°F+ heatwave across the Southland has not deterred L and N from this week's "keep 'em busy" activity - golf camp!  Everyday this week from 9:00 to 11:00 the kids have set out to the Links at Victoria Park for an intro to the sport. In spite of the heat stroke, or possibly because of it, both kids were very excited about going. I'd get the daily sports report every night when I'd get home from work. L, beaming broadly, related how she took the bronze during a competition on one of the days! (Before I was able to call the PGA, Stacy pulled me aside and told me that only three kids had shown up in her category that day...)

I took the day off today so I got to go see the final camp day and the big wrap-up competition. L was all over the map, but seemed to enjoy herself. N, on the other hand, seemed surprisingly coordinated.  As he played past the area where Stacy and I were seated he got a hole in one on one putt, and a two on the next. "Lucky two! Lucky two!" he kept announcing to anyone who would listen. At least he was encouraging to his teammates.  As he followed one little boy around the green I overheard N's cheerings-on. "That's OK, you've got a lucky two!... Oh, OK, you've got a lucky three!... Don't worry, you've still got a lucky four!... Lucky five, lucky five!... Oh, six..."

Although I expect some changes in the intervening years,
I somehow expect N will look exactly like this when he's 70.

...And the first thing he'll do is buy his Daddy a house!

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