Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gingerbread Cookies

Stacy had L help her make some gingerbread cookies this morning. L mixed up the dough and rolled it into a ball. Then came the almost unbearable ordeal of waiting an hour for the dough to set.

Finally it was time to roll them out. L had two different gingerbread man cutters - a big one (for Santa's) and a small one (for the rest of us). She had so much fun cutting them out, though by the time she pried the dough out of the cutter most of them looked like they had suffered some horrible and tragic natural disaster. As they were rolling out and cutting the last sheet of dough Stacy noticed that she had superimposed a big man and a little one. Stacy told her that they couldn't cover one another and that they needed to be side-by-side. L was visibly saddened by this and said, "But that is Daddy carrying me."

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