Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Pointed Conversation

I was putting L and N to bed tonight and L had a request. "Can you tell me a story about God?"

"What kind of story about God?" I asked.

"The one where God created all the animals." And so the story got told, with lots of input from L, and some from N as well, a portion of which is related below.

Daddy: So a long time ago, after God made the world, there was nothing in it. Just trees and rocks and oceans with seaweed.
L: And birds!
Daddy: No, this was before there were any birds. So God decided to fill the world and put things in the sky and in the lakes and rivers and oceans.
L: And on the ground!
N: The ground!
Daddy: Right, and on the ground too. So God made all kinds of animals, like elephants and kitty cats and lions...
L: And doggies...
N: Yeah! Doggies!
Daddy: And doggies. And tigers...
L: I'm scared of tigers! They might bite me!
Daddy: And penguins...
L: I love penguins!
Daddy: And stingrays and tuna fish...
L: I love tuna fish!
Daddy: And peahawks [L's name for the peacocks in the area]
N: Peahawks!
L: I love peahawks! Did God make porcupines?
Daddy: Yes, He made porcupines too.
L: God had to be very careful when he made porcupines.

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