Sunday, December 28, 2008

Generic Christmas Pictures

Chocolate and presents: Kiddie crack.

I am contractually obligated to post Christmas pictures. I'm not sure who signed the contract, but I'm informed that, indeed, I am obligated. It's very hard to make Christmas pictures exciting for anyone but those in the pictures... actually I'm in one of the pictures and I can't get too terribly excited. But never let it be said I don't meet my obligations. Therefore with no further ado, I hereby present (get it? "present", ha ha...)

Christmas pictures!

Stacy did knock herself out pulling together a pretty awesome Christmas dinner. She polished her silver and dusted off the china; an extra leaf in the table and candles specially designed to drip large amounts of red wax on a white lace table cloth. I worked hard too - building an appetite. Ham, rib roast, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, collard greens, green beans, wine and champagne. If anyone went home hungery, it was their own fault.

Aunt Joyce and Mr. Jay came over as did Kirk and Lynne, so the kids had all four grandparents in the same room!

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