Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles...

Our betta fish blows bubbles. Not the big round orbs that trail up from submerged scuba divers or anything, but these little patches of froth up on the surface - a fishy bubble bath. Stacy is convinced this means our little pet is happy and healthy - a sure sign of betta-bliss. I'm not exactly sure upon what facts and data she bases this assumption. My experiences in the rest of the world would lead me to a rather different conclusion. If, for example, I were to be walking down the street and notice a frothing dog approaching off my starboard bow, my first reaction wouldn't be, "My, there's a happy looking mutt!"


Brittany Martin said...

That is seriously weird! I've never seen that before!

Kim said...

Stacy is right. We had a betta fish who did that. I looked it up and it does mean that you have a happy fish on your hands!

Steve and Stacy said...

Cool. I'm happy to know that we are meeting our betta's complex emotional needs as well as his physical requirments!

Kim said...

Of course ours still went belly up within a fairly short time so apparently happiness isn't everything in the fish world!