Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vengence - Beau Style!

OK - probably two items I should fill in by way of background and context before launching into things:

1) N has been pretty sick the last couple of days, running a decent fever, and has been on kiddie-drugs that seem to make him a little wired.

2) For a number of years now Stacy and I have featured our former neighbor's dog, Beau, a little white poodle in L and N's bedtime stories. Beau has lots of adventures, usually involving, for some unknown reason, trips to Santa Barbara to visit the penguins at the zoo.

So, with that in mind...

I got home fairly late from work tonight and the kids were already in bed. Not asleep, by any stretch, but pajamaed and tucked in. I went in to give them kisses and decided to cuddle with them a little. L joined me in N's bed and we discussed their day and dramas. N still felt pretty warm and was a little manic on his meds. He chitter-chattered non-stop. Finally, just to give him something to focus his verbosity on I let him tell the Beau story he was begging to tell. It was... concerning.

"Today Beau went for a walk," N began, "and he walked out into the street. And a car came by and bumped him!" (A "car bump" is our phrase for a car accident.)

"How terrible!" I said, a little appalled.

"It's OK. Beau was still alive. So he jumped up on the car and got the people out. Then he threw all the people into the water!"

"So Beau dragged the people who ran over him out of their car and threw them in a lake or something?" My appallation was growing. "What happened? Did someone help them?"

"No. They sank to the bottom and drowned," N relayed rather matter-of-factly, while L lay back, nodding approvingly.

We left the story at that. I'm thinking these kids have been in L.A. too long.

UPDATE: Stacy just informed me that she had read the story of Noah and the Flood to the kids tonight out of their kiddie-Bible. Methinks I now have a better understanding where this water-logged thirst for justice is coming from...


Brittany Martin said...

I think most boys' stories are of the "blood and guts everywhere" genre.

Kim said...

Haha! As I was reading this I was thinking that this sounds just like one of Maddox's stories. I'm glad to know he's not the only one who likes a good amount of action and adventure in his fiction.