Monday, June 14, 2010

Where, Oh Where Has My Little Boy Gone?

Tonight we bid farewell to our three-year-old son, N. We gave him lots of hugs and kisses before going to bed, because this was to be our last night with him. At some point in the wee hours our small boy would slip away and be replaced by a nearly identical four-year-old version. We got our fill of three-year-old cuddles and sent him off to sleep, wondering what the four-year-old doppelganger had in mind for us over the next year.

Good night, sweet prince. It has been a wonderful year; one I'll know we'll look back on fondly in the years to come. We love you.

--Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

Kim said...

Awww! Happy Birthday N!!!

Steve n Stacy- From one who is currently living with a four year old boy I can tell you that my experience has been that the boys get more cuddly, it's the girls who can't wait to push you away. They think they are ready to move out on their own by age three!