Sunday, June 17, 2012

Irate Avians and Other Reasons to Celebrate

This weekend was N's 6th birthday, so we decided to celebrate by taking up the cause of our fine-feathered, if somewhat ill-tempered friends and beating the tar out of some dastardly pigs.  An angry mob of N's kindergarten friends came over to lend a hand (or slingshot, as the case may be) and much mayhem ensued.

Stacy had the events planned out to the minutest detail and watched over the proceedings like an angry hawk.  First was the opportunity to provide our emotionally worked-up comrades a tasteful, well-appointed place calm down.  Each kid got their own birdhouse to paint and decorate.

Then it was time for a snack where, in a display of birdly solidarity, the avengers got to eat like birds - rooting around in some chocolate pudding mud for juicy gummy worms.  Thus refreshed, we launched a relay race to restore stolen eggs to the birds' nest.

Having restored the eggs, it was now time to deal justice to the porcine perpetrators!  No fortress, however rigorous in its design, was truly impenetrable by a determined crew of bird champions!

Then, in a stunning departure from the Angry Bird storyline, we summarily beat the living daylights out of a bird.  I wanted to tell the kids that the bird had been caught in the act of collaborating with the pigs and therefore was an accursed traitor worthy only of a bloody, bludgeoned execution.  A Nurembird Trial, if you will.  But Stacy felt strongly that I shouldn't.

N considers...

N prepares...

N attacks!

Unrepentant to the end.

The serving of ultimate justice was followed with the serving of cake.  Sucrose runneth over.

A busy, but ultimately satisfying day for a 6-year-old hog hunter!

1 comment:

Leharris27 said...

This is the cutest birthday party I've ever seen! Great job guys!