Sunday, March 2, 2008

She Sees Dead People

Evidently L has developed an imaginary friend. This caught Stacy and I rather by surprise. Stacy never had any imaginary friends growing up and neither did I, though it is certainly arguable that I didn't have too many non-imaginary friends either...

L's friend is named "Kiki". Kiki is a little girl, except for the times when he's a boy. She is 3 years old -- except for when he's a baby, or all grown up (that is, over 5). So far Kiki hasn't caused too much trouble. L has yet to announce that the juice on the carpet was Kiki's or that it was really Kiki who pushed her brother N off his chair. So as long as Kiki is well behaved, he/she/it is reluctantly tolerated in the family. But the minute I start suspecting we're in the opening scenes of a Steven King or M. Night Shyamalan movie, I'm calling a psychiatrist and an exorcist, not necessarily in that order.

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