Monday, June 23, 2008

Horses and Hematomas

It was a pretty evening tonight, so L decided to take her horse for a walk.

No one can say she isn't determined...

Meanwhile N decided to take a faceplant right in the middle of the driveway. If scars add character, this kid's got it made. I'm sure L will be telling everyone he stood right behind her horse and spooked it.


Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! My poor grandson...will his poor little head...and I use that figuratively..survive the 2's and 3's? Some beautiful shots of Lizzie. Love these blogs...keeps me informed about how badly you are abusing my grandbabies! (not)You do an awesome job on this Steve...keep them coming...they sure brighten my day!
Love to you all.....Mimi

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Steve, love that picture of Nate..... not the boo boo part, but that face is too sweet! The boy does tend to lead with his head when he falls.....HaHa! I had one of those too, Greg had stitches in his head 3 times in less than a year.
Love, Kim