Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Rocky Mountain "Hi!"

L and N had one of their perennial "special treats" last weekend. We got to host our old friends the Sams family for a couple of days on their California excursion from the rarefied air of the Colorado Rockies.

It was a little scary to see how much Zeke had grown, and this was our first time seeing twins Lucy and Dot. All five kids were bouncing off the walls all weekend. (Often quite literally. Poor Lucy and Dot seemed to have an affinity for that wall behind them.)

I think both Zeke and N were somewhat stunned and awed to find another boy to play with - they both tend to live their lives in a flurry of females.

L got to have some baby holding practice (Hmmm... drooling, bib, light lashes,... that's Dot!)

How is it that in two full days of non-stop shutter action no one managed to get a single picture of Kelsey or Stacy? Probably because they were off changing a diaper, wiping a runny nose, or chopping up tofu for somebody's lunch. It is truly the moms who suffer the most in this world. (Though I firmly believe Stacy brings it on herself justly for the cruel insistence on feeding our kids tofu.)

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