Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bedtime Basics

Bedtime ritual at our house is not necessarily all that ritualistic. Usually it's a gang up effort where Stacy and I will collaborate to get the kids in bed and to run through all the requisite books, songs, catechism lessons and prayers. Sometimes if I'm out or busy it's Stacy alone. Tonight Stace had a class and it was all up to me.

Before we pray I alternate back and forth between the kids, collecting the list of people they want to pray for. A snippet from tonight's polling:

N: Grandma Flo!
L: Mimi & Grampy!
N: Grandma Flo!
L: Grandma & Poppa!
N: Grandma Flo!
L: Pastor Greg!
N: Grandma Flo!
L: Grandma Donna & Grandpa Wayne!
N: Grandma Flo!
L: Aunt Claudia!
N: Grandma Flo!

As you probably noticed, the kids have about two dozen honorary grandmas and grandpas. L had a special request for Grandma Helen, complete with a semi-non sequitur. "Let's pray for Grandma Helen because if we don't pray for Grandma Helen she will get a cold. Boogers are green, like our walls." (Her bedroom walls are, I must admit, rather booger-hued.) There were also prayer earmarks for the lights on her ceiling fan, for her new Little Mermaid shoes, and that N would go to sleep quickly tonight.

Later I quizzed N on the Apostles' Creed:

Daddy: I believe in....
N: God the Fadder alminey -- AMEN!
D: Maker of...
N: Heaven n Eurff -- AMEN!
D: And in...
N: Jesus Christ all Lord -- AMEN!
D: Who was...
N: Conceived Spirit -- AMEN!
D: Born of...
N: Burgin Mary -- AMEN!
D: Suffered under...
N: Pontus Pilate -- AMEN!

1 comment:

Brittany Martin said...

Did we tell you how we had to stop quizzing Leif on the Apostle's Creed when he was about Nate's age? He kept making the following (really embarrassing) mistake:
"I believe in God the Virgin Mary!"

Thankfully, he's now picked it up from church, and seems to be a thoroughgoing Protestant.