Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Animals and the Gourding Thereof

One might think that the South Bay is the most fertile of pumpkin-growing lands for the ubiquity of the pumpkin patches presently scattered throughout. L and N's "Mommy and Me" class took their annual trek to one of the local purveyors this week. Horse rides and barnyard animals in spades, bails of hay and, of course, pumpkins out the wazoo.

L has always enjoyed the event, but N really took to it this year. He especially liked feeding the animals. The lethargic, uber-stuffed goats were presented (none to gently) additional brimming handfuls of food pellets with calls to "open your mouff!" The poor creatures were not granted the option of "no." They've outlawed force-feeding ducks, but evidently shoveling food down a goat's throat is still perfectly legal.

L is, in theory, much more humane. She just wants to love the animals. Sometimes, however, a hug and a world wrestling federation choke hold can be difficult to distinguish. There's a sad literalism to how L smothers her friends with affection.

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