Saturday, June 12, 2010

No More Teachers, No More Books

L and Mrs. Ellis

L wrapped up her first year of school yesterday. The last day of "DK" (Developmental Kindergarten) was dedicated to all the kids who would have birthdays over the summer and who didn't get to have parties in class. L and her two best friends (J and A) were among the celebratees. Stacy was there to help out and N was graciously allowed to partake in the ice cream sandwiches. For N, getting an occasional tag-along piece of pizza or cake when visiting L's class pretty much seals the deal for him; he can't imagine anything more wonderful in all the world that going to school. He will start pre-school next fall and will probably slowly die of longing and anticipation over the oh-so-long-and-boring summer.

L took to school much better than we'd hoped. I remember dropping her off on her first day. It fell to me because Stacy was convinced she (Stacy) couldn't handle the drop-off without bawling. We were more than ready to hear of a disastrous first day when we picked her up that afternoon. But it went well enough, and after a week or two she was excited to be going. Now she'd rather be with her friends on the monkey bars than anywhere else. As much as I'd be thrilled to have her protest that she'd rather stay home with Daddy, I know I've got a good thing in a girl who likes to go to school, and I don't begrudge it.

Her teachers have left a great mark on her and I'm very grateful for the stoking of her enthusiasm that they provided. Thanks a million, Mrs. Ellis and Miss Barbara!

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