Friday, October 1, 2010


I was driving L and N to school yesterday when N started telling me about all the things he was learning in class.  Evidently they are studying a unit on the body.

"Daddy," he said.  "Did you know you have things that look like snakes inside?"

"No, I didn't."

"Uh-huh!  They're called infections."

Stacy and I were sitting on the sidelines at the N's soccer practice this morning with several other parents.  As part of one of his soccer games Coach Clive was asking each of the future soccer stars what their favorite place was.  N's was the ice cream store.  There were several other suggestions from other player ranging  from Disneyland to Target.  As Coach Clive wrapped up the questioning and started to move on to other pursuits I heard N call out loudly to him:  "Daddy's favorite place is at work!"

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