Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pirate Apoplexy

The kids were invited to a birthday party for their friend S McCallum yesterday. It was a Veggie Tale pirate party with lots of cool games and activities, and lots of pirate booty for the wanna-be swashbucklers.  The mateys dug for pirate gold in the sandbox, walked the plank "fer treasure," and even had a chance to go fishing over the side of their boat in full view of an enormous whale.  For a bunch of landlubbers, it was a right salty adventure.

B, big brother and 1st mate. S, the birthday boy buccaneer.

Chief scoff-law, Cptn. Evan "Red Beard" McCallum

Walkin' the plank!

L had another party for a school friend she had to go to, so about midway through she and Mommy deserted the ship leaving N and I to fend for ourselves in the pirates' lair. But N, being a rather salty old dog, held his own and avasted with the best of them (whatever that means).

On the way home N and I were discussing the party and I had another one of those glimpses into the difference between those sweet delicate, flowery creations called girls, and these not quite human creatures known as boys.

"Daddy, I don't need my sword anymore," he said, referring to his play sword I had brought home from a recent D.C. trip.  "I have my hook now."

He was wearing his pirate hat and proudly displayed his souvenir hook to me in the rear view mirror.

"Now I can use the hook to kill people and cut them open," he said, "and I can use my spyglass to watch their blood come out."

So much for Veggie Tale values...

A piratess dedicated, no doubt, to
peace, love, harmony and tranquility.

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