Monday, June 27, 2011

Additional N-tries

A couple of days ago N and I were out on a Daddy/son errand. We were driving and N asked to play a CD that Stacy kept in the stereo. I don't remember what it was now, but it was something I knew and when it got to the chorus I belted it out to the windshield. On completion of the song I heard a discrete "ah-hem" from the car seat behind me that would have been a credit to the most judicious butler. "Daddy," he ventured ever so tactfully after I encouraged him. "when you do that it makes it sound like I don't want it to sound."

Tonight during dinner conversation Stacy made some reference to something that happened while N was "still in Mommy's tummy." This fascinated him and he wanted to hear more stories of his in-utero days.
Stacy told him how, while he was still in her tummy Daddy used to get right up to her tummy and talk to him. "Really?" he said, amazed. "What did he say?"

Every once in a while inspiration will strike like a lightning bolt from the blue and the perfect response will be on the tip of your tongue with no planning or forethought.

"What did he say?" asked N.

"Clean your womb!"

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