Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Dental Drop-outs

For the last week or so L has been boasting an ever more flexible front tooth.  A jiggle turned into a wiggle which evolved into full-fledged  flappage.  Tonight by dinner it was clear the end was near and none too soon, as everyone was getting a little tired (and grossed out) watching L put her tooth through its many pirouettes, held in place by a micrometer strand of who knows what.

Having lost two teeth previously (amplely documented here and here), one would think L a jaded pro, but this particular instance marked the first time one of the defectors came from the upper echelons of her standing army, so new life and excitement were breathed into the tired regimen.


N wanted everyone to know that regular brushing
will ensure his teeth stay put as long as possible.

Since the tooth seemed to be rather attached to its lifelong home, and all wobbling aside, seemed to give no clear indication that it was going to speed up its vacating timeline, L and Mommy had to have some serious discussions on assisting nature to take its course. L was unconvinced that any form of external influence need be applied, but Mommy was much more adamant on the matter. The thought of having the tooth lost and swallowed overnight, and the recovery discussions that would no doubt follow, gave her more of a reason to [e-hem] sink her teeth into the argument.

While maternal tenacity and pre-pubescent pluck are generally well-matched contenders, Mommy's insistence was unyielding and eventually L gave up the fight and submitted herself to having Mommy grope around her mouth with a big paper towel. A snag, a yank, a pop and a squeal, and it was all over except the gloating.

All present and accounted for...

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