Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ruls for Daddy!

Perhaps I've been laying down the law a little too heavy around the house lately.  Perhaps I haven't been as nurturing or generous as expected.  Perhaps I have failed to notice pain and suffering in our midst, or worse, perhaps I've condoned or instigated it.  Whatever the offense, I have evidently been singled out for a protest.

I heard the kids conspiring together back in one of their bedrooms this evening.  Eventually they emerged with a list of demands entitled "Ruls for Daddy!"  These are evidently my punishment for perceived atrocities.

Ruls for Daddy!

1.  Daddy does not play on the computer.
2.  Daddy doesn't get to wrap presents.
3.  Daddy does not get to make satellites.
4.  Daddy can't read books to us.
5.  Daddy is not allowed to play soccer!
6.  Daddy is inappropriate to do stuff.
7.  Daddy is mean!
8.  Daddy can't love us!
9.  Daddy is not allowed to cuddle.
10.  Daddy can't do anything.

I expect they will soon be hanging out on Wall Street demanding that the 1% stop loving them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bwaaahahaha! Man, you really p****d them off! Love the "anything" spelling!! Too cute!
