Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Roll?

There's a word game the kids like to play with me. I'll give them a word and then ask them to come up with multiple definitions for it. Like "lead":
 - 1) a metal or
 - 2) to show the way.

I was playing this with N at lunch today and he decided to quiz me. "What are two definitions of the word 'chicken?'"

"Hmmm," I said. "I can only come up with one."

 "It's easy, Daddy.  Chicken:
 - 1) like what you eat and
 - 2)  like what goes 'gobble, gobble."

"You realize...," I began, but then I re-thought the wisdom of clarifying.  So I just smiled and told him he was brilliant.

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