Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our Laundry Basket is Punxsutawney Filled

Stacy was feeling a little under the weather this afternoon, so she retreated to the bedroom to take a nap.  A short while later I was working at my computer in the kitchen/office when I realized that the door to the bedroom hallway was shut and behind the door I could hear L belting out what appeared to be a speech or announcement in the most stentorian tones she could generate.  Furious at her callousness to her mother's headache I dramatically flung open the door and stormed into the hallway ready to decapitate her.  I found her frozen in mid-presentation and I quickly realized she wasn't alone.  L stood at the end of the hall next to the laundry basket, and the guilty eyes of N were peeking over the rim.

"What are you doing?" I bellowed, allowing myself all the noise I was about to wring her neck for.

"We're playing Groundhog Day.  N is Punxsutawney Phil and I just pulled him out of his house." she replied. "And there's six more weeks of winter."

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