Saturday, November 13, 2010

Follow the Yellow Brick Road (to the Local Portrait Studio)

A few days before Halloween Stacy dressed up the kids in their Halloween costumes and met her friend Cara and her two little boys for a Halloween photoshoot.  Considering all the costumes were perfectly aligned, it must have looked like a casting call for a Wizard remake, though there might have been some confusion on whether they were undergoing screen tests for the four picture leads or for roles as munchkins.

(I have to brag:  Stacy made N's costume from scratch, though the little Velcroed door on his chest opening for his new heart was my idea.)

At some point I am sure I'll get around to posting some actual Halloween night pictures, or Stacy call me a humbug and will send her flying monkeys after me.  (She can't deny she comes from the western part of the country...)

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