Saturday, February 25, 2012

Boys' Day In

Stacy and L are off at a birthday party this morning.  We boys have a busy day ahead of us, so we jumped right on it.

Lunchtime Update:

Stacy and L are eating at their party so I'm on the hook to keep N well-nourished for the afternoon.  A quick refridge review left me thinking my options were limited.  But never underestimate the "make it work" dedication of a temporarily single-parenting engineer!  Scattered throughout the house I was able to track down enough essential ingredients to make Nachos a la Perkins.  I'm sure it will be hitting the menu of a boutique cafe near you soon.

I found a half eaten bag of blue corn chips in the pantry.  The deep freeze in the garage offered up a pound of ground beef frozen late in the last decade.  Hidden crannies of the refrigerator deli drawer yielded a motley crew of international cheese remnants in various stages of "aging."  Our one remaining onion was moldy, but only half moldy!  (The glass is half full!)  We had a little sour cream that looked white, but we were out of salsa.  No problem - Stacy had some leftover spaghetti sauce tucked away in the back that could pretend to be Mexican.  A quick jumble and a run under the broiler and voilà!  Gourmet goodness fit for a king!*

*Of a somewhat underdeveloped third-world country.

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