Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Newt Testement

L's 1st grade classroom has been the home of an amphibious mascot this year, but around Christmas Mrs. Shepard decided that the newt was a little more fragrant than she liked in a classroom already replete with the assorted aromas of 20-odd seven-year-olds.  So the newt got the boot, but rather than being cast aside and quickly forgotten like a primary election drop-out, Mrs. Shepard offered him to Stacy, and Stacy, never one to turn down a great deal on an aquatic semi-reptile, jumped at the suggestion.

We now have our little black friend crouching on his slippery rocks amid his frothing water aerator, showing all the signs of happiness and utter contentment that a newt can muster.  The kids have obviously bonded with such a loving and affection animal.  He's already filled that little black newt-shaped hole in our souls we never knew we had.  Our hearts are strangely warm, despite the fact that his will never be.

Need I mention we've named him Mitt?

1 comment:

Brittany Martin said...

I think this post won the contest: "How many clever puns can Steve fit into a single blog post?" Very impressive. Maybe Mitt Newt can share the award (amphibious nomination)?