Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fighting the Fadeout!

Our hopes for this blog are not extremely lofty. We hope to be able to use this to keep family and friends a little more closely knit than they have been in the past -- because a continent's worth of landmass and the never-ending demands of budding families do not make for much catch-up time. As our kids grow, and our friends' families have their own adventures, it can be oh so easy to let inadvertent neglect whittle away the camaraderie; we have so many people we want to keep near to, virtually if not physically, and maybe, just maybe, this will in some small way help to do that.

So help us out by reading and commenting and filling us in with your lives as well. Here's to fighting the fadeout!

--Steve & Stacy.

Ahhh, the ever-daunting first post is done!

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