Saturday, August 30, 2008

Midnight Time Bandits


With a hangover, aren't you at least supposed to get a good night of pointless debauchery beforehand? I have a hangover from one too many toddlers last night. (Hot Toddies?) At 3:30AM I was woken by a horrific screaming from the kids' room. N was all wrapped up in his blankets, mummified, facing down into his mattress in quite a panic. I extracted him and carried him, melted into my shoulder, back to our bedroom. He explained through choked sobs that a ladybug had tried to bite him while he slept.

When I got back to our bed I was surprised to find L already in it. She had slipped in much less dramatically who knows how much earlier and I had never noticed. How I managed to bolt out of bed to get to N without crushing her I'll never know. I deposited N with Stacy and then relocated L back to her bed -- she was sleeping soundly at this point -- and then crawled back in. N was out like a light and Stacy was quickly asleep again.

That's when time began to warp and morph around me. I looked at the clock - still around 3:30. An hour later I looked again. 3:35. I stared at the ceiling for another two hours or so. 3:40. I focused on the book I was reading. 3:45. I focused on plans for the weekend. 3:48. I focused on work. 3:50 and knots in my stomach. I went back to focusing on the book I was reading. Several hours later at 3:50 I gave up and went and surfed the net for 5 minutes. 6:30.

I tried to catch another catnap, but by then L was up again and it proved pointless. I'm resigned to my fate of a low-grade headache and a general bad mood for the rest of the day. Meanwhile its closing in on 9:00 and N is sleeping like a log.

In my bed.


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