Saturday, August 2, 2008

The World Turns Whether You're There for It or Not

You're gone a week and the world passes you by. I have learned that while I was in D.C.:

1) L revealed her propensity for a future career path in architecture. She very proudly unveiled her first creation - "Daddy's Work". I especially love the smiley face emblazoned on the side of the high rise tower because it so perfectly symbolizes my never-ending joy at going there.

2) Our three little tomato plants had some dormant gene kick in and swamp our backyard with red orbs. I've been back a day and already I'm getting hives from tomato overindulgence.


3) N has fully embraced the joys of the "potty". His most often overheard expression now is "N go potty!", an admission of love he makes quite frequently to anyone who will listen. Its especially fun to watch him very seriously inform little old ladies in Trader Joe's of his predilection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, good looking tomatoes cuz. Looks like you inherited your Dad's green thumb. We have had so much rain and humidity this summer that a lot of folks here are losing theirs to mold.

Hugs, Kim