Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holiday Cheer and the Trickle-Down Theory of Ornament Economics

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? Actually that's just the smoke alarm. Stacy's baking again.

Christmas prep is in full swing at the Perkins Palace of Holiday Pleasures. The lights are up and the tree is out, and with the help of an assortment of elves (who evidently have a very cushy labor contract), it has been decorated in style. Kind of a "Jackson Pollock meets Hurricane Katrina" style, but style nonetheless. The decorating process could go on for years. L is very meticulous and precisely hangs each ornament. N follows behind, removes said ornament and leaves it (for some unknown reason) in a pile in the kitchen. Actually in the time since we wrapped up the decorating phase, we've had a steady decline in ornamentation, as L is no longer propping up the ornament supply and N continues to trickle it away.

Santa happen to drive through our neighborhood one evening this week. I was working late, but Stacy and the kids went out to see him. L informed Stacy that she was going to ask Santa for an Ariel (a.k.a. The Little Mermaid) coloring book. When she finally got her turn to ask for her economic bail-out package she went deer-in-the-headlights, or in her case stiff-with-two-fingers-in-her-mouth. After a suitable amount of prompting on Santa's part and awkward dead silence on L's, Santa suggested that she "write it all up in a letter." She couldn't high-tail it home fast enough. When I got home from work Stacy showed me two exquisitely folded pieces of scribbled-on construction paper, each with a pound and a half of scotch tape. L had thoughtfully decided to write Santa about all the Ariel products that N wanted too.

Steve doesn't think he'll ever summon enough Christmas spirit to forgive Uncle Kenny for the Dancing Santa gift. To make matters (much) worse, the kids love it

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