Saturday, December 13, 2008


I probably lent credence to some of my critic's longstanding accusations that I rather recently swung down from the trees by swinging back up into them today. Our willow tree has been growing steadily into our power and phone lines and our neighbors have been dropping little hints that they aren't too happy with the tree dropping little bits into their yard. So I grabbed my ladder and with the grace and dexterity that is my hallmark, I sprinted up into the tree and began hacking away. I was not gentle. At one point Stacy came out, looked up, and gave a little muted "Oh."

L soon discovered the growing mountain of branches and spent the rest of the adventure having very serious monologues with herself about how she would mount this side of the hill, or how she would traverse that particular embankment, all the while, dodging the limbs and whip-like branches raining down all around her. Himalayan mountaineers in a sleet storm would not talk out their strategies more thoroughly than she.

It was an altogether enjoyable exercise, especially since I succeeded in not following any of the 60 lb. limbs on their plunge earthward. I'm feeling all loose and limber, young and youthful now... which really means that I won't be able to bend as much as a finger tomorrow.

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