Sunday, July 26, 2009

Heart of (Temporary) Darkness

Last night Stacy and I slipped away to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. (Really enjoyed it, by the way.) Stacy's Mom came down and watched the kids for us while we were out. The movie was a long one (2.5 hours!) so we caught the 5:30 showing without dinner and grabbed a burrito on the road, getting home around 8:45. The kids were out cold. Gramlynne is evidently quite proficient with the Gotto Sleepum spell.

This morning I was up early for my ritual Sunday tea when L bopped in, way too full of life and energy. She recounted the details of her evening, concluding with her bedtime struggles.

"I missed you," she confided. "I tried to stay awake until you got home but I was tired because my day was too big. I tried to look around and see you but it was too dark because my eyes were closed."

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