Sunday, October 4, 2009

Days of Wine and Roadsters

Yesterday I swung by our mechanic to get my oil changed and wine jug topped off.

Yes. You read that right.

We have the world's best mechanic. We get fantastic service, can always get squeezed in, and now, we get samplings of the fruit of the vine. Our mechanic has been trying to revive some of his family heritage and has started making his own wine. He gave Stacy a bottle the last time we came in and told her to come by any time for a refill. I admit, I was suspicious when Stacy first told me, but on trying it I was reminded that we live in a world where things are not always as we would expect, and strange and wonderful things can still happen. This was no Pinot Greasy-o! It was full and flavorful and a really nice drinking wine.

I think I just have to file this under the "only in LA" category.


Kelly said...

Not just only in LA Stev!. When we were living in Germany we were told about a great little service station "on the economy," meaning not on base, where you could get your car hand-washed and enjoy some raspberry liqueur, made from the backyard raspberry bush of the man who was the owner/sole employee/car washer/liqueur maker. I never tried it though because I was told even a little sip would be regretable. I think I used the "I can't drink, I have to drive home" excuse which doesn't go over well in Germany. So, I guess you are lucky that your mechanic's wine is actually drinkable! Maybe your mechanic and my German car wash guy are long lost cousins!

Kelly said...

Steve, the last letter of your name should be "e" and not "!" as you well know. I'm a terrible typist!

Kim said...

Not quite the same, I know, but our mechanic will work for a 12 pack of twisted tea! LOL!