Sunday, March 7, 2010

Toddler Trade-offs

Occasionally friends of ours, the McCallums, need a bit of a toddler break and we get to watch their boys while they have a stolen night out. (It's certainly more than a fair trade, since we've been doing half our laundry at their house for the last two months while our pantry has been disassembled!) On Friday night, they brought over B and S, (2- and 1-years-old respectively) for a little shock and awe at the hands of our kids.

L and N absolutely love having B and S over, and, as usual, attacked them with such enthusiasm when they arrived that the poor kids were a little shell-shocked and semi-catatonic after the initial onslaught. But they settled in just fine and soon L was carting S around with all the gentility of a Heimlich Maneuver. And yes, he did spit up, but only after I rescued him and had him safely in my arms. Thanks a ton, L.

Meanwhile B and N teamed up and practiced their best silly faces. Serious talent galore.

And then some more talent: a piano concerto from B.

I particularly enjoyed playing with S; I'd sing him a song and he would grin and hum along, somewhat randomly, rocking back and forth. I've never had someone appreciate my singing that much before. Leave it to the 1-year-old to recognize fine art.

Soon Mr. and Mrs. McCallum were back from their surreptitious dinner date and our guests departed. L was particularly disappointed, as N has finally put his foot down and doesn't let her cart him around the house as much as he used to any more. Boys can be so uncooperative!

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