Sunday, December 21, 2008

Naughty or Nice?

I think L suspects her nice-to-naughty ratio might have taken a dip recently and she needs a last minute "nice" bump before the final reckoning and accounts are closed. She's been helping with the dishes ("I'm very good at washing!") and making cookies, and she even pretended to take her nap this afternoon.

N, however, is trending steadily downward. A recent biting spree has put him solidly in coal-and-switches territory.

What will we do once bribery and extortion season is over?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Awww! Good girl L! Must be the season because the youngest in our household seems to be heading into coal territory as well. She has developed an ear piercing, dead waking, earth shaking screech that she has decided is useful for any occasion. Apparently we have a lot of occasions at our house these days! Maxie has been trying really hard to use his "nice" words; we are confident that Santa will overlook the fact that he may need reminders from time to time. :)

Love, Kim