Sunday, February 1, 2009

Homemade Lasagna/A Mermaid Is On Ya

I was a little under the weather today and there's nothing in all the world that brightens an under-weather day like lasagna. All that cheesy love and tomatoey encouragement sends the sore throat viri packing - or at least encourages them to 3-hour ceasefire while much needed humanitarian supplies are delivered down the esophageal highway. (I think I have the Gaza strep...)

L was instrumental in the laborious task of noodle making. She took great delight in guiding each noodle through the noodle mill, squealing as it flattened and elongated. I could see her mind racing, considering all the other toys and household items she could run through the press. (Needless to say it got disassembled and put away quickly after we were done.)

And no, we don't usually sit around the house making pasta from scratch. I was bored.

While I was under-the-weather, yesterday L was evidently under-the-water. She came back from a friend's birthday party and had a mermaid attached to her cheek like a barnacle, or maybe one of those sucker fish that latch on to sharks. N was at the same party and seemed to come home with nothing but the azure of the sea itself clinging to his face.

By the way, Stacy wanted me to point out that:
1. SHE painted the mermaid on L's cheek, and
2. She thinks my post title is atrocious.

1 comment:

Ryan, Kelli, Kiana and Madison Gleeson said...

To the amazing artist---can you come paint my girls faces. They would love it. I cant even draw a stick figure...really! To the chef---when can I taste that amazing meal. YUM! I love that you include Lizzy in the kitchen---she will love those FUN memories. Love you guys!