Saturday, February 21, 2009

I've never seen such a day / In Beverly Hills LA.

California may run out of money, but it never depletes its stock of irony. On Thursday L's preschool, I suppose in an attempt to demonstrate how "the other half" lives, has a snow day. Now for all you in the winter war-torn climes of our planet, that would imply the kiddies staying home and drinking hot cocoa because the world is just too ferocious. Not so. A snow day in So Cal is much more Hollywood than that! The kids bundle up like they're off to visit Sarah Palin and drive through the brutal 70ยบ weather to the preschool so they can run around and play in the half dozen mounds of "snow" generated by hauled-in snow blowing equipment. (Equipment they probably dragged down from Century City where they're filming Dr. Zhivago II or something.)

Needless to say, L plunged full steam ahead, and N was invited to join the frostivities for part of the play period. Then, when all the kiddos were suitably frostbitten and crying because of the inevitable snowballs down the backs of their jackets, they all went inside and had that hot cocoa while Mother Nature cleaned up outside.

Meanwhile Stacy took N home—with the air conditioner turned on.

I guess it doesn't take a Johns Hopkins specialist to tie the morning's events to those that happened later that night.

I wonder what next week will bring? World-wide Pandemic Day, where they all get to paint their faces green with little white infectious dots? No wait, that was later that night too.

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