Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pointless Facts and Data

There seems to be a "25 random things about me" kick going around on Facebook lately. I've seen 8 billion of them in the last two weeks. Stacy stressed out for two days coming up with hers.

I have not devised such a list for myself, but in honor of Valentine's Day, here's my version of:

25 Random Things about Stacy.

1) Stacy has no sense of direction. I think we've gotten lost going to every one of her family members' houses for the first time. But she always insists she knows where they live.

2) Stacy makes a killer "Stuffed French Toast" - a baked breakfast bread pudding with eggs and butter and blueberries and cream cheese and maple syrup. I'm pretty sure you'll die if you eat it twice in a row, but you'll die happy.

3) Stacy has a nice singing voice, though she doesn't believe it when I say it.

4) Stacy likes it when I read books to her, especially when I read different characters with their own voices.

5) Stacy has a disturbing ability to remember trivia associated with specific dates. "Did you know that eight years ago today was the day you drove me to Aunt Wendy's?"

6) Stacy is far more patient and disciplined with the children than I am.

7) Stacy feels guilty if she charges for piano lessons.

8) Stacy has the right approach to scrapbooking. The decorations she makes for her albums accentuate the photos rather than overwhelm them.

9) Stacy believes in writing thank-you notes - something I never did myself, but something I admire in her.

10) Stacy watches more television than I do, and spends less time on the computer.

11) Stacy is devoted to her grandparents.

12) Stacy is a beach person who is slowly being converted over to a woods and mountain person.

13) Stacy's appreciation for classical music and ragtime piano make up for her past fondness for heavy metal and cheesy Christian music.

14) Stacy is terrified of flying, but has only been so since she became an adult.

15) Stacy genuinely loves her in-laws. And they love her.

16) Stacy has a way with older people. Most of her best friends are over 70.

17) Stacy's hair is her glory, but it looks best on the short side.

18) Stacy incorrectly believes she is a blond.

19) Stacy's Swedish is amazingly good for her never getting to practice it.

20) Stacy is a recovered vegan. She is fully recovered, thank goodness, and once again appreciates the wonder that is bacon.

21) Stacy is a good cook, but she's an especially good baker. (See item #2.)

22) Stacy inherited a slight hypochondria streak from her father. She's recovering from that too.

23) Stacy's mixed metaphors are an endless source of pleasure for me. She really did say, "Never kick a dead horse in the mouth." I kid you not.

24) Stacy tends to sit bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night and scream at the top of her lungs. Her nightmares usually involve spiders or a mythical disembodied head with a huge bulbous nose.

25) Stacy is a wife of noble character who is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks for nothing.


paculina said...

#3 - She amazes me in church, she seems to know all the Psalms by heart and she just sings along while she takes care of the kids.

#4 - I can totally see you doing that! And I can see her just sitting there giggling.

EvB said...

You found an excellent wife--you're a very blessed man.