Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Portrait of L and Her Doll

My painting class this week was particularly gratifying. I finished a portrait of L that I'd been working on off-and-on for the last several months. I'm really happy with it; I think it's my favorite portrait so far.

L is quite proud of her namesake. As I paint I always try to take "in-progress" pictures of my paintings to remind myself later on how I did certain parts. Each time she caught me taking an interim picture she would want to pose with it.

The painting is taken from a photo I took around Easter. I especially liked the picture because of how ratty Rosie the doll's hair looked, suggesting (correctly) that she was a well-loved, abused, and treasured member of the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve, that is an amazing painting. You captured the expression in her face beautifully. I can see why it is your favorite.

Love, Kim