Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Sunshine

The stormy weather of the last couple of days seemed to have cleared out yesterday (including some of the ill-wind coming from N's direction), so Stacy plunked the turkey in the oven and we fled the compound for a Thanksgiving Morning hike up on Palos Verdes. In terms of distance it wasn't much of a hike, a half mile out and a half mile back if we were lucky; but in terms of exercise it was passable -- there was rarely a moment free from a kid in our arms or on our shoulders.

N does not abide teasing well.

The weather was gorgeous - the rains had finally cleared the air of all the fire soot, but the kids tired quickly. L was aware that Grandma and Poppa were coming over, but she couldn't grasp that it wasn't until mid-afternoon; every five minutes she reminded us that we needed to head back so they weren't waiting on us. And while N was much improved over past days, he was still a little fussy. And nothing brings on the fussiness more than suggesting to him that his is, in fact, being fussy.

But all in all, it was some time out of the house that was happily far more refreshing than can be accounted for in time or exertion.

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