Friday, January 16, 2009

John Williams Is the Man!

I generally avoid posting outside content on this webpage. I would rather keep the posts focused on things that transpire here with the kids or on things that affect my family. That precludes adding links to most news events or passing along every vapid internet joke, etc. Sometimes, however, that line is blurred and the outside world comes over like a bully and beats up those of us hiding out in the inside world. Sometimes there's something that goes on out there that gets absorbed and in-grained and grafted-in to what's going on in here.

I'm an engineer by training and trade and therefore a little less socially adept than most. I wouldn't go so far as to say "nerdy;" I perfer to think of it as cool-challenged. And so when I first saw this video on You-Tube, unlike many of you, I thought it was absolutely fantastic. It made my day. I found I was playing it all the time. (I'm not even remotely a Star Wars fanatic, though I will admit to having a man-crush on John Williams.) Soon, every time I turned it on there would be a scampering of little feet and L and N would soon be on my lap watching with me. Each time Stacy would roll her eyes and I could tell she would be having that mental "You knew this about him when you married him" conversation with herself.

So here it is — a musical tribute to John Williams and Star Wars by the a-capella comedy troupe Moosebutter:

I came to realize the full impact of the video on our family the other day when I walked past N's room an noticed him sitting on his floor playing with his blocks singing "Kiss a wookie, kick a droid," softly to himself.

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