Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Leave

Mimi and Grampy left for home on Dec 30th. They made it back to Maine safely, though not necessarily smoothly. I could go into all the dreary details, but that would be exceedingly boring and serve no purpose—it wouldn't even be a satisfying vent session for me. I'll suffice it to say that they made it home 40 hours after they set out for the LA airport.

L and N are somewhat at a loss without Mimi and Grampy around; their sugar intake remains high with no targets around on which to expulse it. And Stacy and I notice the house getting progressively more cluttered with dirty dishes and strewn-about toys. Oh, that's right - we have to do that now that Mimi's gone! Bummer.

We really enjoyed having them around, not only for the kiddie-diversions and the kitchen elves that seemed to emerge once Stacy and I went to bed, but just because they are fun and relaxing; the ideal no-stress guests. Stacy was crying when I got back from taking them to the airport, "I already miss them so much."

One of the highlights of the visit for the kids was the decorating of an architectually challenged gingerbread house. It looked a little like it had been through a hurricane or a 7.0 tembler when it was done, but it was nevertheless an object of beauty to the contruction crew.

It must have been built in a bad neighborhood because with every day that would pass we'd notice that someone had stolen another shingle or window pane.

L also took the opportunity to show Mimi and Grampy how grown up she has gotten and that she will soon be able to go to work like Daddy.
(Says Daddy: "Knock yourself out, kid.")

In olden days Mark Antony may have had Cleopatra lazily feed him grapes. In our local version of Egypt, Mimipatra substitutes grapefruit for her N-tony.

There was plenty of time for education with Grampy on the couch. Who knew FOX news could be so captivating to a two-year-old?

A visit from Grandma Flo.

Three generations of Perkins.

L and N will miss Mimi and Grampy, but at least they are comforted knowing they'll be back again soon. They are planning on coming out again in March and this time they'll be bringing Auntie Sue, Uncle Victor and their cousins Aubrey and Garrett for an extended family vacation at Disneyland. (Daddy can hardly wait...)

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